Find Your Spotlight

School Workshops & Productions



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School Workshops

Spotlight regularly organises Theatre in Education (TIE) workshops in schools, either following part of our own curriculum, or linking in to a particular book or theme that the class may be studying. The children are always engaged and motivated by the prospect of an external theatre company coming to visit them, and participate enthusiastically in the workshops. Teachers find their classes and programmes are enriched by the additional content and experience.

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Professional development workshops for teachers

Spotlight offers tailor-made workshops for the teaching staff, either for drama teachers to expand the range of techniques and material in their repertoire, or for teachers of other subjects to help them feel use drama in the classroom with confidence. With the IB Curriculum increasingly encouraging the integration of drama in subject teaching, even teachers with knowledge of drama games and activities can benefit from training sessions with our experienced practitioners.

School Productions

Spotlight offers support in all aspects of production: audition technique, directing, choreography, MD, set design and technical training. Our team of experts enjoy producing exciting, original and innovative projects to encourage confidence within each student that steps onto stage, while also providing a professional performance experience.